Leanne Pasquini was awarded for her research titled: Engineering a Greener Tomorrow One Carbon Nanotube at a Time: An In Depth Study of Non-Toxic Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Design
In her project, Engineering a Greener Tomorrow One Carbon Nanotube at a Time: An In Depth Study of Non-Toxic Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Design, Leanne will examine ways in which chemical alterations to the surface of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) decrease their toxicity and environmental implications.
Lindsay Soh was awarded for her research titled: Extraction of Algal Lipids for Use in Biodiesel Production
The objective of this proposed research is to contribute to the development of algal lipids into a viable biofuel energy source by optimizing lipid extraction techniques for efficiency, sustainability, decreased hazard, and selectivity. In particular, this study will emphasis extraction improvements including cell disruption, greener solvent systems (ie. supercritical fluid extraction), selective extraction, and simplified extraction-fuel conversion processes.