Past Center Members

Aaron Bloomfield, Ph.D
Doctoral student, 2012-2014; Postdoctoral Associate, 2014-2015

Postoctoral Associate at Yale Energy Sciences Institute [ESI]

Adelina Voutchkova
Associate Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, George Washington University

Alex Co
Yale College'15, Chemistry

Master of Environmental Science Candidate, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Alexei Lapkin, Ph.D
School of Engineering, The University of Warwick, UK Visiting Sabbatical Professor at Yale - 2009

Alina Rodriguez
Master of Environmental Science, 2019

Allen Shi
Visiting Ph.D. Student

Amanda Lounsbury
Post-doc researcher.

Andrew Klein
Undergraduate Researcher, Yale College '10

PhD Candidate in Chemical Engineering, Stanford University

Andrew Sumner
Ph.D Student, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Yale University

Anthony Phimphachanh
Visiting Assistant Researcher Summer 2010

M. Sc Student in Polymer and Organic Chemistry and Chemical physics at Pierre and Marie Curie University; Solvay Novecare apprentice in polymer and surfactant’s synthesis

Avery Long
Undergraduate Research Assistant

Azadeh Kermanshahipour, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow 2010-2013

Assistant Professor, Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Barry Husowitz, Ph.D
Associate Research Scientist 2011-2012

Bezawit Getachew
Yale College '12, Chemical Engineering

Brent Muller
Yale College '10

Associate Consultant, The Lucas Group

Brian Drollette
Ph.D Student, Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Yale University

Brian Weeks
Research Assistant 2011-2012

Master of Public Health student Tulane University

Camille Chenal
Visiting PhD Student

PhD Candidate, Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences

Camrynn Fausey
Ph.D. in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University

Cheldina Jean
Ph.D. student