
The Yale Center supports and advances research in Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, a critical component to building the community, designing and discovering innovative solutions, and achieving a sustainable future. The Center serves as a catalyst to both Yale and the greater Green Chemistry and Engineering communities for discipline-specific and cross-disciplinary research collaborations focused on key areas of GC&GE within science, technology, and policy for sustainability. Through fundamental and applied research initiatives, the Yale Center aims to unleash the creativity and innovation of scientists and engineers in designing and discovering the next generation of chemicals, materials, products, processes, and systems so that they provide increased performance and increased value while meeting all goals to protect and enhance human health and the environment.

Our research projects can be broadly divided into focus areas of materials, energy, water, and integrated systems.  For details on current research, please explore the different categories below:


Synthesis, analysis, and evaluation of next generation materials, including applications of biofeedstocks, green nanochemistry, and design guidelines for reduced hazard.


Basic research on sources of renewable energy, including biofuels, biogenic hydrogen, and solar energy.


New technologies to address water quantity and quality issues in both developing and developed nations through lab-based and system-dynamics modeling.


Life cycle assessment and other sustainability metrics to study material, energy, and water flows associated with products, processes, and larger systems.