Nicole Deziel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) and Chemical and Environmental Engineering
PhD - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2008)
MHS - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2000)
Dr. Deziel obtained a Master’s of Industrial Hygiene and Doctorate in Environmental Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research involves applying statistical models, biomonitoring techniques, and environmental measurements to provide comprehensive and quantitative assessments of exposure to combinations of traditional and emerging environmental contaminants. Her exposure assessment strategies aim to reduce exposure misclassification for epidemiologic studies, advancing understanding of relationships between of exposure to environmental chemicals and risk of cancer and other adverse health outcomes. Dr. Deziel serves as the Principal Investigator of a study funded by the American Cancer Society investigating co-exposures to multiple flame retardants, pesticides, and other persistent pollutants and thyroid cancer risk. She is also leading an inter-disciplinary team of investigators on a project entitled “Drinking water vulnerability and neonatal health outcomes in relation to oil and gas production in the Appalachian Basin.” The goal of this 3-year study is to evaluate whether exposure to water contaminants from the process of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is associated with adverse human developmental and teratogenic effects. In addition, Dr. Deziel is an Investigator for an NIH project examining how environmental and social stressors jointly contribute to health disparities in elderly populations.