Scholars at the center were part of a team of authors behind a paper that was recently dubbed a “2022 Most Downloaded Paper” by the journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Ming Xu, editor-in-chief, announced that “The Green Print: Advancement of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare” was part of the award-winning cohort on February 9, 2023. The honor recognizes stand-out papers that were the most highly received by readers each year.
“The Green Print” addresses the risk to human and environmental health by healthcare systems’ environmental pollution and resource consumption. In the article, the authors addressed the state of the field of research examining the environmental impacts and sustainability of the healthcare sector and suggested new paths forward for research. Although hospitals and healthcare settings seek to save lives, they also hurt them in ways that many do not consider. Healthcare facilities emit greenhouse gases and other pollutants that harm human health, generate waste, and contribute to climate change through their modes of operation—but those modes of operation can and should be changed. Hospitals can become more sustainable and less harmful while maintaining their ultimate mission of safeguarding health.
Read the article here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104882
Read the announcement of the award here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/resources-conservation-and-recycling/about/news#resources-conservation-recycling-2022-most-downloaded-paper-awards