Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management: Critical Review and Path Forward


Literature from both academic and public sources is considered in order to provide a holistic perspective.  There are many tools available for stormwater management, but there is little evidence of systematic design processess and outcomes due to the lack of 1) large-scale environmental performace data; 2) cost-effectiveness studies that include life cycle costs; and 30 pricin and policy structures that engage broader stakeholders. 


We presented a decision process based on systems thinking and show where current literature meets decision-making needs, where research gaps exist, and how research needs should be prioritized to support sustainable stormwater infrastructure implementation.  We are aslo starting data collection and model development of hydrology in the city of New Haven to test best management practices in model setting.


A critical review of the science of sustainable stormwater management, including definition of best management practices and low impact developments for stormwater, green infrastructure, as well as sustainable stormwater management; modeling to inform stormwater practice; optimized watershed scale design; and implementation.