
Corrales, J. ; Kristofco, L. ; Steele, W. ; Saari, G. ; Kostal, J. ; Williams, E. ; Mills, M. ; Gallagher, E. ; Kavanagh, T. ; Simcox, N. ; Shen, L. ; Melnikov, F. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Voutchkova-Kostal, A. ; Anastas, P. ; Brooks, B. Toward the Design of Less Hazardous Chemicals: Exploring Comparative Oxidative Stress in Two Common Animal Models, Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016, 30 (4), 893–904.
Gilbertson, L. ; Melnikov, F. ; Wehmas, L. ; Anastas, P. ; Tanguay, R. ; Zimmerman, J. Toward safer multi-walled carbon nanotube design: Establishing a statistical model that relates surface charge and embryonic zebrafish mortality., Nanotoxicology 2016, 10 (1), 10-19.
Montazeri, M. ; Soh, L. ; Pérez-López, P. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Eckelman, M. Time-dependent life cycle assessment of microalgal biorefinery co-products, Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 2016, 10 (4), 409-421.
Lounsbury, A. ; Yamani, J. ; Johnston, C. ; Larese-Casanova, P. ; Zimmerman, J. The role of counter ions in nano-hematite synthesis: Implications for surface area and selenium adsorption capacity, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 310, 117-124.
Anastas, P. ; Zimmerman, J. The Molecular Basis of Sustainability, Chem 2016, 1 (1), 10-12.
Mellor, J. ; Kumpel, E. ; Ercumen, A. ; Zimmerman, J. Systems Approach to Climate, Water, and Diarrhea in Hubli-Dharwad, India, Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (23), 13042–13051.
Barta, K. ; Anastas, P. ; Beach, E. ; Hansen, T. ; Warner, G. ; Foley, P. Systems and Methods for the Depolymerization of a Biopolymer, US Patent Office 2016, Patent #20160130202.
Kwan, T. ; Tu, Q. ; Zimmerman, J. Simultaneous Extraction, Fractionation, and Enrichment of Microalgal Triacylglyerides by Exploiting the Tunability of Neat Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (11), 6222–6230.
Gilbertson, L. ; Albalghiti, E. ; Fishman, Z. ; Perreault, F. ; Corredor, C. ; Posner, J. ; Elimelech, M. ; Pfefferle, L. ; Zimmerman, J. Shape-Dependent Surface Reactivity and Antimicrobial Activity of Nano-Cupric Oxide, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (7), 3975–3984.
Anastas, P. ; Zimmerman, J. Safer By Design, Green Chemistry 2016, 18 (16), 4324.
Petersen, E. ; Flores-Cervantes, X. ; Bucheli, T. ; Elliot, L. ; Fagan, J. ; Gogos, A. ; Hanna, S. ; Kag-i, R. ; Mansfield, E. ; Montoro Bustos, A. ; Plata, D. ; Reipa, V. ; Westerhoff, P. ; Winchester, M. Quantification of Carbon Nanotubes in Environmental Matrices: Current Capabilities, Case Studies, and Future Prospects, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50 (9), 4587-4605.
Shen, L. ; Judson, R. ; Melnikov, F. ; Roethle, J. ; Gudibanda, A. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Anastas, P. Probabilistic diagram for designing chemicals with reduced potency to incur cytotoxicity, Green Chemistry 2016, 18 (16), 4461-4467.
Mellor, J. ; Levy, K. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Elliot, M. ; Bartram, J. ; Carlton, E. ; Clasen, T. ; Dillingham, R. ; Eisenberg, J. ; Guerrant, R. ; Lantagne, D. ; Mihelcic, J. ; Nelson, K. Planning for climate change: The need for mechanistic systems-based approaches to study climate change impacts on diarrheal diseases, Science of the Total Environment 2016, 548-549, 82-90.
Liggio, J. ; Li, S. ; Hayden, K. ; Taha, Y. ; Stroud, C. ; Darlington, A. ; Drollette, B. ; Gordon, M. ; Lee, P. ; Liu, P. ; Leithead, A. ; Moussa, S. ; Wang, D. ; O’Brien, J. ; Mittermeier, R. ; Brook, J. ; Lu, G. ; Staebler, R. ; Han, Y. ; Tokarek, T. ; Osthoff, H. ; Makar, P. ; Zhang, J. ; Plata, D. ; Gentner, D. Oil sands operations as a large source of secondary organic aerosols, Nature 2016, 534, 91-94.
Zhang, Q. ; Prouty, C., ; Zimmerman, J. ; Mihelcic, J. More than Target 6.3: A Systems Approach to Rethinking Sustainable Development Goals in a Resource-Scarce World, Engineering 2016, 2 (4), 481-489.
Hoelzer, K. ; Sumner, A. ; Karatum, O. ; Nelson, R. ; Drollette, B. ; O’Connor, M. ; D’Ambro, E. ; Getzinger, G. ; Ferguson, P. ; Reddy, C. ; Elsner, M. ; Plata, D. Indications of Transformation Products from Hydraulic Fracturing Additives in Shale-Gas Wastewater, Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (15), 8036-8048.
Boisvert, A. ; Jones, S. ; Issop, L. ; Erythropel, H. ; Papadopoulos, V. ; Culty, M. In vitro functional screening as a means to identify new plasticizers devoid of reproductive toxicity, Environmental Research 2016, 150, 496-512.
Gillet, S. ; Petitjean, L. ; Aguedo, M. ; Lam, C. ; Blecker, C. ; Anastas, P. Impact of Lignin Structure on Oil Production via Hydroprocessing with a Copper-Doped Porous Metal Oxide Catalyst, Bioresource Technology 2016, 233, 216-226.
Dasgupta, S. ; Di Giulio, R. ; Drollette, B. ; Plata, D. ; Brownawell, B. ; McElroy, A. Hypoxia depresses CYP1A induction and enhances DNA damage, but has minimal effects on antioxidant responses in sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) larvae exposed to dispersed crude oil, Aquatic Toxicology 2016, 177, 250-260.
Wang, R. ; Zimmerman, J. Hybrid Analysis of Blue Water Consumption and Water Scarcity Implications at the Global, National, and Basin Levels [...], Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (10), 5143-5153.
Miao, S. ; Beach, E. ; Sommer, T. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Jordt, S. High-Intensity Sweeteners in Alternative Tobacco Products, Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2016, 18 (11), 2169-2173.
Karatum, O. ; Steiner III, S. ; Griffin, J. ; Shi, W. ; Plata, D. Flexible, Mechanically Durable Aerogel Composites for Oil Capture and Recovery, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (1), 215–224.
Powell, J. ; Townsend, T. ; Zimmerman, J. Estimates of solid waste disposal rates and reduction targets for landfill gas emissions, Nature Climate Change 2016, 6 (2), 162-165.
Erythropel, H. ; Shipley, S. ; Börmann, A. ; Nicell, J. ; Maric, M. ; Leask, R. Designing green plasticizers: Influence of molecule geometry and alkyl chain length on the plasticizing effectiveness of diester plasticizers in PVC blends, Polymer 2016, 89, 18-27.
Coish, P. ; Brooks, B. ; Gallagher, E. ; Kavanagh, T. ; Voutchkova-Kostal, A. ; Zimmerman, J. ; Anastas, P. Current Status and Future Challenges in Molecular Design for Reduced Hazard, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (11), 5900-5906.