Dr. Chun Ho Lam is a Donnelley and YIBS Postdoctoral Environmental Fellows. Dr. Lam will be giving a talk with the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies on Nov. 11 to present...
Green Chemistry offers solutions to environmental problems which seem difficult to tackle. For example, the Green Chemistry framework has successfully been implemented in...
Congrats to Riley on receiving the 2016 Fiessinger Doctoral Scholarship from the Environmental Research and Education Fund (EREF). Riley’s proposal, entitled “Carbon Nanotube...
The development of the field of green chemistry was possible because of individuals in academia, industry, government and NGOs who dreamt big and devoted their professional...
The Plata Lab just returned from an incredible week at the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Sharing research from ongoing projects in the lab, our group delivered a...
The Plata lab is excited to announce a newly accepted paper to Environmental Science & Technology: “Indications of Transformation Products from Hydraulic Fracturing...
Congrats to Dr. Osman Karatum for the successful defense of his Ph.D. dissertation! The entire Plata group traveled to Durham, North Carolina to cheer on Osman’s presentation...