Contribute to the Yale-UNIDO Technology Compendium

GGCI Tecnology Compendium
Monday, August 6, 2018

We are requesting the assistance of the scientific community - postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty - to provide summaries of Green Chemistry and Green Engineering [GC&GE] technologies to facilitate the compilation of a “Technology Compendium”. The compilation and dissemination of the compendium is a part of the Global Green Chemistry Initiative lead by UNIDO and the Center for Green Chemistry & Green Engineering at Yale with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Summaries are to be provided in the form of a template, and we are requesting input no later than April 15. 2019.

The compendium will provide a comprehensive snapshot of GC&GE technologies and include the broad array of innovations that are commercially available today, or are emerging opportunities. It will provide in-depth information on state-of-the-art Green Chemistry technology solutions and best practice examples applicable for a wide range of industries and processes. The content of the compendium will be uploaded and distributed on-line, and can be easily updated as new technologies are brought to market. The compendium will also be cross-referenced by sector, application, and discipline.

Contributors to the Technology Compendium will be acknowledged. Faculty are encouraged to incorporate this exercise into Green Chemistry or Green Engineering curricula as a learning opportunity for students. ACS Green Chemistry student chapters can use this as a Green Chemistry activity for the 2018-2019 academic year.

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