Last week, the Global Greenchem Innovation and Network Programme officially began! Representatives from Yale University, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and the six partner countries (Uganda, Ukraine, Jordan, Peru, Indonesia, and Serbia) gathered in person and online to formally launch the Programme, discuss next steps and expectations, and celebrate the road ahead.
Over two days (March 13-14, 2023) at the Vienna International Center UNIDO headquarters, the group discussed the practicalities and lofty goals of the six-year program, grounding the discussion in how to achieve greener industry, create a global community promoting sustainability, and understand the practicalities of how the work will be done on the ground. Dr. Paul Anastas from Yale inspired the team with a rousing call championing green chemistry, Dr. Karolina Mellor, Dr. Lars Ratjen, and Matthew Moroney from Yale laid out the details of the goals, mechanisms, and phases of the project, and each country’s National Partner presented on their perspectives on their specific projects. In a special session, representatives from the Uganda Cleaner Production Center (Peter Ssekajja) and the Jordanian Royal Scientific Society (Omar Alsaleh) presented their team’s success stories to model to the group how each country can face the challenges and make progress.
The days of discussion were fast-paced and full of excellent conversations and presentations, and the project now accelerates into the next phase as the work formally begins. We know the Programme will be full of excellent collaboration and enterprising activity, and we are glad to see the work begin so auspiciously in Vienna. Onto the next six years!