MoDRN in collaboration with Beyond Benign organized a symposium and a workshop at the at the BCCE Conference, August 1, 2016, University of Northern Colorado.
The symposium featured faculty members who are integrating toxicology concepts into chemistry courses and programs. The workshop featured 3 toxicologists who shared their expertise and connected chemical and physical properties to toxicology, and provided curriculum resources for use in chemistry courses.
Toxicology for Chemists Symposium:
Layers of toxicology education in an undergraduate curriculum, Douglas Raynie, South Dakota State University
Teaching toxicology through a laboratory safety program, David C. Finster, Wittenberg University
Mechanistic toxicology at Simmons College: A model course for teaching toxicology concepts to chemistry students, Amy S. Cannon, Beyond Benign
Incorporation of toxicology content into a senior level green chemistry lecture course, Jane Wissinger, University of Minnesota
Teaching beyond our expertise: A student-led toxicology course, Justin Houseknecht, Wittenberg University
Molecular Design Research Network: Educational tools for advancing 21st century chemistry, Nancy Simcox, University of Washington
Green chemistry and toxicology: “Relevance” in the chemistry classroom, Grace Lasker, University of Washington
Using toxicology concepts in chemistry courses: Lessons learned from industrial chemicals and environmental forensics, Bryan Brooks, Baylor University
How an awareness of toxicology can increase your value to industry, Pamela J. Spencer, Dow Chemical
Toxicology for Chemists Workshop:
Dr. Bryan Brooks, Professor, Environmental Science and Biomedical Studies, Baylor University
Dr. Grace Lasker, Senior Lecturer, Nursing and Health Studies, University of Washington
Dr. Pam Spencer, D.A.B.T., Scientific Director, TERC, The Dow Chemical Company
Resources presented and discussed:
OECD QSAR Toolbox (requires PC)
NIH, NLM Toxicology Tutors